Super Mario World - Dungeons Conquest (Collaboration)



- You must have to use a provided base ROM file
- Your base ROM file has included a .bps patch, resources, Lunar Magic (SMW Level Editor) 
- You can make one main level and maximum 3 sublevels per main level
- You can use the provided graphics
- You can finish only from World 7 until World 10
- You cannot edit previously finished levels
- You must have to export the finished level as a .mwl file but not a save ROM file
- You can add custom music, sprites, blocks, and graphics but you must have a base resource
- You must have to submit the level as a .zip file including .mwl, music, and graphic resources.
- Then you submit in #smwd-submissions and upload your level entry file.

Example Level

Claim List:

World 7:
Level 23, sublevel 45: Unclaimed
Level 121, sublevel 46: Unclaimed
Level 24 (House), sublevel 47: Unclaimed
Level 101, sublevel 48: Unclaimed
Level 102: Unclaimed
Level 103 (Castle), sublevel 49, 4A (boss): Unclaimed

World 8:
Level 105, sublevel 4B: Unclaimed
Level 106, sublevel 4C: Unclaimed
Level 122: Unclaimed
Level 107 (Fortress), instant door exit (no boss): Unclaimed
Level 108, sublevel 4D: Unclaimed
Level 109 (Castle), sublevel 4E, 4F (boss): Unclaimed

World 9:

Level 10B (Palace), sublevel 50, instant door exit (no boss): Unclaimed
Level 10F, sublevel 51: Unclaimed
Level 110, sublevel 52, 53: Unclaimed
Level 111, sublevel 54: Unclaimed
Level 112 (Tank), boss sublevel 55: Unclaimed
Level 113, sublevel 56: Unclaimed
Level 114 (Tank), boss sublevel 57: Unclaimed
Level 115, sublevel 58, 59 (boss): Unclaimed

World 10:
Level 116 (Airship), boss sublevel 5A: Unclaimed
Level 117, sublevel 5B: Unclaimed
Level 123 (Fortress), sublevel 5C, 5D (boss): Unclaimed
Level 118 (Airship), boss sublevel 5E: Unclaimed
Level 119, sublevel 5F: Unclaimed
Level 11A, sublevel 60, 61, 62, 63 (boss): Unclaimed

Deadline: 20th June 2023


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